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Button-fix Reviewed

Updated: Apr 3, 2018

A valuable and innovative product that saves time and provides reassurance

About 18months ago, Wills Watson (product designers of Button-Fix) showed us their ideas for the Button-Fix product and asked our opinion, as furniture manufacturers, as to whether we thought this was a product worth developing for the industry. The immediate reaction of our MD, Graham Ross was a resounding “Yes – it’s a no-brainer” – a well-designed product that makes people’s lives easier at a relatively low cost is going to do well in the market.

Since then we have had the opportunity of really putting the product through its paces.  When architecture practice Morrow + Lorraine asked us to help them refurbish their offices by cladding the walls with fabric-covered panels, Button-Fix was the ideal solution to achieve a secure fixing and reduce the time spent on the installation of the panels.

Without Button-Fix we would have used a split-batton process to fix the panels to the wall, which would have worked perfectly well, but would have involved more time on-site and the end result would not have been as secure.  Using the Type 1 Button-Fix, we were able to machine all the carriers into the panels at the factory and then use the marking button to affix the panels to the wall accurately.  Using Button-Fix on this project not only saved us considerable time, but the panels are so securely fixed to the wall that they appear to be permanent, yet they can still be removed if required.

Our client is delighted with the end result and we are happy to endorse Button-Fix as a truly useful product that we will definitely use again on future relevant projects.

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